Joyous Heart (No. 2)

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Joyous Heart (No. 2)


Short Notes:
+ Happiness & Joy
+ Uplifting Mood
+ Transforming Emotions
+ Rising Vibrations

When you:
… have feelings of depression and anxiety.
… experience hopelessness.
… are blocked or fearful.
… lack connection to your inner playful child.
… are not allowing yourself to experience joy.
… feel drained due repetitive negative thoughts.


Legal note: Vibrational essences are considered food in the sense of Art. 2 of EU act no. 178/2002. They do not have a direct effect on body or psyche that can be proved with today’s scientific methods. All statements made here refer to energetic aspects as such aura, meridians, chakras etc.


Joyous Heart is …
+ bringing laughter and happiness to you and those around you.
+ allowing you to enjoy and celebrate life.
+ helping you follow your excitement, with integrity.
+ making you tune into a higher vibration.


Active Ingredients: Organic Biodynamic Brandy (20% alc.) | Spring Water | Energy Essences

Essences: Alpine Mint Bush | Cherry | Chiming Bells | Honeysuckle | Nasturtium | Rock Water | Strawberry | Gold | Iron


Direction of Use

Direction of Use:
4 drops, 4 times a day under the tongue.
 [May be taken more frequently as needed.]